One Company Considers a Radical New Approach to Password Management: People

Password Manager - Brute Farce Attack

TEMPE, AZ — Wednesday January 17, 2023

Not long ago, password management software — a computer program that creates and securely stores passwords — was hailed as an innovative solution to weak credentials and the limitations of human memory. However, several recent breaches of popular commercial password vaults are causing organizations to reconsider their approach to managing passwords.

“I always say ‘why use technology, when a human could do the job just as well, if not better’?”, one Chief Information Security Officer told BFA, under condition of anonymity. CISO ‘Jill’ has a new opening on her team, she’s hiring a Password Manager — a single individual who will be responsible for generating and memorizing secure passwords for every system and employee across the organization.

“If you’ve never clicked ‘‘Forgot Password’, this might be a great role for you,” said Jill. Given the critical nature of the role, the incoming PM will not have sick leave or vacation options. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply here, along with a resume and examples of some very secure passwords.


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